
Contact Us: (443) 793-7220



True Phoenix’s Hormone Optimization Program consists of various crucial elements, each tailored to address specific groups and conditions. The Male Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Program is one of these key components. Aimed at addressing hormonal imbalances that men face due to aging, andropause, or other conditions, this program seeks to restore balance, enhance vitality, and improve overall well-being. Our experienced team is committed to providing expert and compassionate care tailored to support your health journey.

male testosterone replacement therapy (trt)

What Are the Benefits?

Our Male TRT Program helps men achieve hormonal balance, enhancing their overall health and quality of life. It alleviates common symptoms of hormonal imbalances and boosts well-being. Some of the other Male TRT benefits include:

Enhanced Energy Levels

Reduced Fatigue

Increased Libido/Sex Drive

Normal Erectile Function

Better Sleep Quality

Sharper Mental Clarity

Quick Recovery Post-Workout

Healthy Hair Growth

Higher Self-Confidence

Increased Muscle Mass

What’s Included?

Explore the wide-ranging benefits and detailed features of our Male TRT Program. Participants receive outstanding value and support at every phase of their journey. The program includes:

Monthly Visits

Enjoy a monthly meeting with your health professional to discuss your progress, review lab results, and track wellness goals.


Our trusted experts provide personalized supplement recommendations to help reduce the symptoms of hormonal imbalances.

Program Resources

Receive custom diet and exercise plans, and other essential tools needed to help you throughout your BHRT journey.

Ongoing Support

All BHRT members are provided with continuous guidance, support, and access throughout the program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!
Learn how Male Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) can help you to reach your full potential. Feel free to contact us if you still have questions.

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is a form of hormone replacement for men and women (yes, women) who have low testosterone levels.

What are the symptoms of Low Testosterone "Low T" Syndrome?

The signs of low testosterone include

  • Low Libido/Sex Drive
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Unexplained Fatigue
  • Poor Sleep
  • Mental Fog
  • Bouts of Depression
  • Hair Loss
  • Weight Gain
  • Loss of Muscle Mass
  • Slower Workout Recovery
  • Low Self-Confidence
How will TRT benefit me?

Many men have reported the following results after starting TRT:

    • Greater Libido and Overall Sexual Function
    • Decreased Erectile Dysfunction
    • Increased Muscle Mass
    • Improved Cognition and Mood
    • Boost in Energy
    • Lower Cholesterol Levels
When will I start to feel the benefits of TRT?

Typically, it takes about two weeks for the body to accumulate sufficient supplemental testosterone to begin showing results. However, for certain men, it may take several months to feel the full benefits of TRT. Many TRT patients report increased energy, improved focus, and better memory among the first benefits they experience.

Is TRT safe?

When TRT is prescribed and monitored properly, it is considered safe. While there is no proof that testosterone causes cancer, if someone has preexisting prostate cancer, TRT may cause it to grow faster. It is crucial to undergo a prostate exam and serum PSA test before beginning therapy, and to regularly monitor prostate health and PSA levels.

Who is not eligible for the TRT Program?

Our providers do not recommend TRT for those who have active cancer (breast, hormone-activated, prostate, testicular, etc.).  However, a person may be eligible to receive TRT after completing successful treatment.

Typically, the people who should avoid using a testosterone replacement program are those who have experienced:

  • Prostate or breast cancer
  • Severe urinary tract symptoms related to prostatic hypertrophy
  • Severe congestive heart failure
  • PSA elevations that are unexplained
  • Hyperviscosity
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
    How is testosterone administered?

    We offer two options for testosterone therapy:

    • Testosterone Injection
    • Testosterone Topical Cream
      How long do I have to participate in the program?

      Our TRT program requires a 3-month commitment. Hormone optimization is not an overnight process. It takes commitment, nutritional, and dietary changes to reach optimal wellness. You will have the option to pay monthly, every 3 months, every 6 months, or for 12 months.

      What can I expect at my first appointment?

      Your initial visit, called the “Deep Dive Session,” involves a detailed discussion with Dr. Beatty, CRNP. He will review your lab results with you to understand your overall health’s impact on your hormone levels. In this session, you’ll discuss treatment options, wellness strategies, and plan your care. By the end of this hour-long appointment, you’ll have a clear understanding of our TRT program, know what to expect moving forward, and feel closer to achieving your best self. All your questions will be thoroughly answered.

      How often will my labs be monitored?

      Blood work will be completed monthly for about 3 months and then every 6 months thereafter. Monitoring your hormone levels with blood tests is a very important component of safe and effective treatment.

      Can I use my health insurance for the BHRT Program?

      We do not accept insurance for hormone optimization services. This is because True Phoenix focuses on optimizing hormone levels instead of following “normal” ranges,  which dictates how insurance companies pay. We provide personalized packages that focus on your utmost well-being. You are welcome to use your insurance benefits for laboratory testing.

      We offer several alternative payment methods, such as AfterPay, CareCredit, Cherry Payments, HSA/FSA, credit, and debit cards for our hormone optimization services.

      Can I use labs drawn by a different provider?

      Ideally, we like to draw all the labs at the same time. However, if you have recent labs within the last 60 days, we can use them and draw any additional tests, if needed.

      My doctor is prescribing some of my hormones that are covered by my insurance, but does not cover all of the options needed for complete hormone optimization. Is it ok if I receive the other half of treatment from True Phoenix?

      No, we would have to provide all aspects of your hormone therapy, or none at all. The reason is that we cannot make adjustments to what they are providing you, making it difficult to balance your levels. If you are currently on treatment with your doctor and want to transition your treatment to our clinic fully, that is an option. However, your hormone therapy must come from one place or the other, not both.

      My doctor does not agree with my TRT plan. What should I do?

      You should make the best decision for yourself. If you would like to follow your doctor’s recommendations and medical advice regarding hormone therapy, we will create a discharge plan from our program so that you can be in compliance with their care. Remember, you must always be your biggest advocate.

      Our Services

      Clinic Hours

      Monday: 6:00am – 2:30pm
      Tuesday: CLOSED
      Wednesday: 12:00pm – 8:00pm
      Thursday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
      Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
      Saturday: 8:30am – 12:30pm


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